Natural healing medicine

Learn Naturopathic Healing Medicine

You may cure diseases others couldn't

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It is never too late to learn to support your health, the health of those close to you and possibly earn a high class income.

The college of Naturopathic Medicine presents three year Diploma Course in Naturopathic Medicine. One can complete the last two years in one year together. This depends on available time and student ability.

During the first year, students study biomedicine., which includes the study of all human body parts, their functions, their disease risks and possible naturopathic and allopathic cures used.

During the next two years, students study nutrition as medicine in theory, application and practice. On the third year, students meet real clients, face to face or online, for about two hour initial health assessment and later after about six weeks for about an hour follow up assessment.

After graduation students become qualified naturopathic nutritional practitioners, free to open their own clinics and take the challenge of serving society. Students can join Whatsup groups, attend the college or study online any where in the world.

Every one can join regardless to age, location and educational back ground as long as obtained school lever knowledge. One can join for all three years in one go or join each year separately after completing the year before. This is a good opportunity to start with the first year with out committing to the next two years just to break the ice.

For full information without obligation, please click the link below: You will get £250.00 discount when joining through this link. Please mention my name: R M Ahmad. “Good Luck”.

Natural healing medicine

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