Nerissa recipe to recover from cancer

Can Starvation/fasting starve cancer to death?

Based on my limited knowledge, hypothetically yes . When a cancer patient made to starve by putting him/her on a restricted and certain diets for a certain period, a competition should develop between healthy cells and cancer cells on the restricted and particular available food. The healthy cells should monopolise all the food. Consequently cancer cells should starve to death. Please read the attached file: “Activating Natural Healing Power”

Activating Natural Healing Power

All types of cancer symptoms, tumours, could be cured naturally if existing cancer common knowledges applied strictly under the supervision of a naturopathic expert. Cancer common knowledges include:

1- Cancer caused by and survives in acidic, sugary and cold environment.

2- Cancer feeds, survives, on glucose mainly.

3- Cancer can not bear oxygenated and warm environment.

4- Cancer can not stand a tolerable alkaline environment.

5- Carbohydrates and proteins are convertible to glucose but possibly not fat.

7- Glucose, main food of cancer, converted to energy.

8- Fats, not cancer food, can replace glucose for energy production.

Just simply depriving cancer from glucose-producing diet, may starve it to death, at least produce results better than allopathic chemical and radiation therapy . But for this purpose, we can do more than that like:

A- Attacking the cause:

1- Supporting mitochondria,

2- Oxygenating the environment of the patient internally and externally

3- Keeping the environment of the patient warm.

4- Detoxifying the body of the patient.

5- Supporting the immune system of the patient.

6- Attacking the root of cancer with coffee enema.

7- Liver detoxification.

8-Comfort and romantic starve

B-attacking the symptoms

9-Topical attack

These procedures to be applied strictly and for four weeks like Ramadan fasting.

This fasting- like application mobilises all resources against cancer tumour and the cause of cancer. It should lead to conditions activating natural healing power. Please read the attached file: “Activating Natural Healing Power”

Activating Natural Healing Power

First things are first, lets to start with the root of cancer, large intestine or colon. According to Dr Heromi Shinya 2013, the root of all types of cancer, including breast cancer, starts from the colon. He, Dr Heromi Shinya, has forty years experience in cancer and digestive system treatment. He treated over 100,000 cancer patient. He did colonoscobic check on each of his cancer patients. He found each cancer patient had colonic issues, regardless to the type of the cancer. Accordingly he concluded that the root of each cancer started in the large intestine. This is not surprising. According to Dr Michael Greger 2015, there is always free radical fire storms from colon entering blood stream.

DR Hiromi Shinya used coffee enema extensively to prevent and cure cancer. According to him many cancer clinics uses coffee enema. Please see the attached file: Coffee enema.

Coffee Enema

This coffee enema procedures is my designed procedures, which I believe is the best as far as I know. Please also read the attached file: Microflora-Coffee enema.

Microflora and Coffee enema

For the purpose of starving cancer tumour, we use a strict diet made up mainly of oil, meat, soluble/non-soluble pure diet fibre and and warm water to provide minimal, possibly less, metabolic needs. Strictly no carbohydrates. to be consumed within the limits of possibilities.


The oil is to be just enough to provide daily energy needs and other metabolic needs like building cell membranes. This is about and average of 0.75g/kg body weight.

It is recommended the oil to be cold pressed types from sources organic and rich in omega-3. In Beckton Sainsbury, London, one can get cold-pressed organic flaxseed oil. The oil need to be around 40c temperature and consumed twice a day at equal intervals and amounts. The amount of the oil consumed daily needs to cover metabolic needs of a healthy body weight. For an over weight body, the amount of the daily oil consumed may be reduced to force the body to convert body fat to energy and use it for other metabolic needs.

Please check the attached table to see healthy weight per height of the patient.


Please also read the file “How to warm up your oil”.

How to warm up your oil


The protein is just to be enough to provide daily needs to rebuild the body nothing else. This is about 0.8g/kg of body's real healthy weight.


The amount of protein may be a bit less like 0.7g/kg to ensure spare proteins not converted to glucose or causes extra acidity. Strictly only fish to be consumed for this purpose. It is recommended to eat oily small wild fish or de-skinned ocean salmon. Please bear in mind that 100g raw salmon has about 21g protein, 4.4g fat and 127Kcal. The rest are water and micro and macro nutrients.


Please put this numbers into account when preparing any type of meal, as mentioned here, for the patient. Please read the attached file, fish-cooking, and apply it strictly.


Soluble or insoluble pure diet fibre

The purpose of pure diet fibre is to support microflora and create a fair amount of stool daily to keep large intestine active and stay healthy during treatment. According to British Heart foundation, 30 grams of fibre required daily. Possibly for our purpose, The patient may need 100g/day ore more/less. This is something to be decided by supervising naturopathic expert.


Supporting Mitochondria

I bet on my life one of the main reasons for cancer and cancer metastasis is poor mitochondria. This is because free radical fire storms from colon uses all antioxidants in the body and hardly any left to protect mitochondria and the rest of the body. Please read the attached file: Supporting Mitochondria.

Supporting Mitochondria


You are not sick, you are thirsty”. Dr. Batmanghelidj, F. (2003).

Water may be the best natural medication against cancer. When correctly used to hydrate the body, it detoxifies the whole body, especially the liver and strengthens the immune system multiple times. The immune system uses a lot of water. Please read the attached file: Water.



Quote: “L-ergothioneine is one of the only antioxidants concentrated in mitochondria, suggesting a specific role in protecting mitochondrial components such as DNA from oxidative damage associated with mitochondrial generation of superoxide.  L-ergothioneine is as potent as glutathione (which does not accumulate in mitochondria)”.


Quote:”The Panel on Dietetic Products for the European Food Safety Authority found L-ergothioneine daily limits of 2.82 mg/kg of body weight for infants, 3.39 mg/kg for small children, and 1.31 mg/kg for adults, including pregnant and breastfeeding women, to be safe”..


L-ergothioneine is one of the only antioxidants concentrated in mitochondria, suggesting a specific role in protecting mitochondrial components such as DNA from oxidative damage associated with mitochondrial generation of superoxide.  L-ergothioneine is as potent as glutathione (which does not accumulate in mitochondria).


Quote: “Ergothioneine is a sulfur-containing amino acid that acts as an antioxidant and has a unique role in the protection of mitochondria from oxidation.  It is only obtained from dietary sources with mushrooms being a top”.


Coenzyme A

Coenzyme A is naturally synthesised from pantothenate (vitamin B5), vital carrier molecule to transport the acetyl group into the mitochondria

ATP is always present as a magnesium-ATP complex.

The Krebs Cycle requires the following nutrients — magnesium, manganese, iron, B1, B2, B3.

Ref: Lecture 4: Biochemistry II, College of Naturopathic Medicine


cancer Research

cortycept mushrooms

Mushrooms that contain the highest amounts of ergothioneine include King oyster, maitake, oyster, and shiitake varieties.

Ergothioneine is a sulfur-containing amino acid that acts as an antioxidant and has a unique role in the protection of mitochondria from oxidation.  It is only obtained from dietary sources with mushrooms being a top source


Oxygenate the body of cancer patient, click to find out

Keep Cancer patient warm, click to find out

Topically attack attacking cancer, click to find out

Comforting cancer patient, click to find out

The rest about cancer treatment, click to find out

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